About the 31A (Cambridge) MRC

The 31A (Cambridge) Model Railway Club
The club, formerly The Welding Institute M.R.C. (1986 to 1999), was formed on 1st January 2000 to build and exhibit model railway layouts, locomotives and rolling stock. The club aims to be informal, with club nights either a running session, working on the layouts or simply a chat. There is also a continuous run test track for the running of stock. We currently have three exhibition layouts, two in 00 gauge, and one in EM gauge. Additionally, members' own layouts are exhibited under the club banner, making additional layouts available for exhibiting within the club.
Club Meeting Dates For 2025
The 31A (Cambridge) Model Railway Club meets twice monthly on Wednesday evenings from 7pm at The Oddfellows Hall, 131 Newmarket Road, Cambridge.
January | 15th & 29th | July | 9th & 23rd | |
February | 12th & 26th | August | 13th & 27th | |
March | 12th & 26th | September | 10th & 24th | |
April | 9th & 23rd | October | 8th & 22nd | |
May | 14th & 28th | November | 12th & 26th | |
June | 11th & 25th | December | 10th (2025 AGM) |
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee has five posts:
Chairman - Tim ReynoldsSecretary - Neil Chapman
Treasurer - David Bracey
External Exhibition Co-ordinator - David Bracey
Exhibition Manager - Tim Reynolds
Webmaster - Alan Edgar
As a small club, decisions are usually discussed and agreed by the membership as a whole. The External Exhibition Co-ordinator's duties are to arrange attendance for club layouts at local exhibitions, whilst the Exhibition Manager organises the club's own Cambridge Model Railway Exhibition.
Joining the Club
There are no restrictions on joining the club, with the normal practice is for prospective Members to attend a few Club nights, to familiarise themselves with the club and its Membership, before applying for Membership.
There is an Annual Subscription, which is determined for the forthcoming year at the Annual General Meeting and payable for every year of Membership (January to December). Subscriptions for existing members are due for payment by the end of February each year, after which membership of The Club will be deemed to have lapsed. Subscriptions for new members will be pro-rata for period remaining until the end of the joining year.
Unfortunately, under 18 or Junior Membership of the club is not offered. Current legislation governing the supervision of minors means it is impractical for a club of our size to fund and otherwise resource full compliance with the regulations.
The current membership of the 31A MRC feels, however, that there is a lack of "Junior" Members in our hobby and will allow under 18's to attend Club Meetings and Events, as guests, only if they are accompanied at all times, by a parent or legal guardian, who is a member of the 31A MRC.
A single membership will permit either parent to accompany their son/daughter. It is with regret that we cannot support having minors attending Club Meetings or Events, without a parent or legal guardian.
Constitution and Requirements of Members
The full club Constitution is available from the Secretary, and the club holds an Annual General Meeting, normally in December, that all members are asked to attend. As a small club, all members are asked to be available to assist throughout the day of the Club's own exhibition and to be available to assist at some of the exhibitions the club attends with club/members layouts. There is also often a need for the loading and unloading of exhibition layouts and we ask all members be prepared to assist where they can.
Exhibition Layouts
Since starting on the exhibition circuit, we feel that the club has built a good reputation for building and operating quality layouts, which we aim to continue. To this end we ask that any club member wishing to exhibit his/her own layout under the club banner, lets the Club take a look at it first.
Club Outings
The club is an opportunity to organise a variety of trips throughout the year, either to visit exhibitions or other places of interest. Please remember that these "outings" only go ahead if members are willing to arrange them.